The article reads:
When Gene Baker was named a coach by the management of the Pittsburgh Pirates, he joined Chicago Cubs' Buck
O'Neal, as the only Negro coaches in the major leagues. However, just as important an assignment in major league baseball was the signing of Bill Yancey as one of the major scouts (on full salary) for the New York Yankees. Other Negro scouts have been working on "pay for what you deliver" arrangements. These are John Donaldson and Frank Forbes, to name two, but Yancey is believed to be the first Negro to be signed on a contract basis year round. Yancey, incidentally, is a highly-respected talent hunter in the Yankee camp. Last week when the Yankee scouts assembled in a conference at Yankee Stadium, it was on advice offered by Yancey that many problems were eliminated. As to talent, Yancey has signed quite a few young players, including Al Downing, a pitcher the Yanks are counting on this season. Manager Ralph Houk has already indicated Al will be given a chance for one of the starter roles in 1963. Another important decision Yancey made for the Yanks resulted in the team getting star relief pitcher, Marshall Bridges. Yancey was sent to scout Bridges when the latter pitched for Cincinnati. "Get the guy, if you can swing a deal," Yancey told Houk, "and you will never regret it." Bill Yancey, well known in professional sports, was a great baseball player in the old Negro National League's eastern division and also doubled in basketball where he also was outstanding. Had he been performing when baseball was integrated by Branch Rickey, Bill would most certainly have landed with one of the major league teams. Johnny Johnson, Yankee farm boss, says Bill Yancey is one of the top men in his organization, and a good judge of young talent. |