The article reads: Donaldson Allows A. B. C..'s Only Four Hits-Score 6-2.
John Donaldson had the A. B. C.'s of Indianapolis on his staff yesterday afternoon at Association park, and
the All Nations won the last game of the series from Indianapolis, 6 to 2. Donaldson was never in danger throughout the
contest as the All Nations jumped into the lead in the very first inning and he allowed but four scattered blows. He also
struck out eleven, while his teammates were hammering Johnson and Ben Taylor all over the lot. The All Nations will be
seen in action in all the Muny League championship games. They will play the Kansas City, Kas. Giants Saturday at 2
o'clock, while the Schmelzers and Wagners of St. Louis will play the big game at 3:30. Sunday the All Nations and the
Topeka, Kas., Giants will play at 2 o'clock and the Schmelzers and Wagners in the main contest at 3:30. Returns of the
world's series will be read inning by inning to the fans at both games. Score: R. H. E. A. B. C.'s . . 001 000 100-2 4 2 All Nations . 112 000 11*-6 12 2 Batteries: Johnson, B. Taylor and Powell; Donaldson and Coleman. |