The article reads:
The Schmelzer's All Nations baseball club, of Kansas City, which will be seen in
action here today and tomorrow against Jack Johnson's Giants, comes with an untarnished record
so far this season, according to J. L. Wilkinson, one of the owners, having won six straight
games without a defeat. Saturday the team played in St. Joseph and collected ten hits for a
total of nine runs off Pitcher McCoy, who was with the Denver Western league club for awhile (sp)
last season. The All Nations are made up of the following nationalities: Hawaiian, Cuban, Italian, Indian, Irishman, negro. The club played 160 games last year and lost only twelve of that number. The Giants have been holding practices every evening at League park under the coaching of Jack Johnson, the local heavyweight. Johnson says he has two pitchers in Big Fred Harrison and McCord, that might compare favorably with Donaldson, the famous negro twirler of the All Nations team. The two have been showing all kinds of speed and control, also a choice collection of twisters. |