The article reads:
CARRIE NATIONS FAIL TO SMASH ANYTHING Team, Partly of Women, Fail Before Nave-McCords
The Nave-McCords defeated the Carrie Nation All Stars of Kansas City Sunday at
League Park, 8-2. Sullenger of the local outfit struck out fifteen men and women. May Arbough,
the "Carrie Nation" of the visiting team, played an excellent game at first. The local players
concede that she is as good a "man" at the initial sack as any semi-pro in St. Joseph. Not once
did she fan. Three or four other women started in the game but were benched when things took a
serious turn. When the game seemed lost, they were re-instated. Miss Arbough is the owner and
manager of what is said to be the only baseball team in the United States partly composed of
women. Berger of the local team made four hits in as many trips to the plate.
Score: Carrie Nations . . 001 000 001 - 2 6 1
Nave McCords . 200 102 300 - 3 14 1 Batteries: Carrie Nations, Welbe, Bennett and Anderson. Nave McCords, Sullenger and Berger. Umpire, Sanders. The Nave McCords will play John Donaldson's All Stars at League park next Sunday. The team is said to be composed of members of many races and nationalities. Donaldson throw (s) the fastest ball of any man in baseball. Only his color bars him from the big time, it is said. |